Monday, January 28, 2008

Pumpkin time....

The kids had a blast at McPhails getting pumpkins. We took a hay ride out to the field fed the animals and played on the toys. Fun day but cold and wet. I guess we do live in WA.

Elliot telling the guys how to roof the house

Somehow I took a picture of Elliot watching the roofing process but no picture of the guys working on the roof. Well the roof looks great in that area and we have no new water features in our dinig room.

McPhails with the neighbors

We went to McPhails to pick berries this is one of our favorite things to do when we are having a a free day. I think the kids have more fun running up and odwn the rows and I end up doing most of the picking..but I can remember being little and doing the same thing:)

Soccer this summer at Bender fields

I know that this picture is from summer but I just found three rolls of film that I lost so I though I would post some pictures from them....Here is Elliot playing soccer at Bender Fields. Pretty funny to watch a bunch of four year olds run around afield tring to kick a ball towards a goal that may seem large to you or I but to them it is like kicking a ball into a mouse hole!!