Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pig Latin and Such?

So as many of you know my Elliot is highly advanced(room for gagging and eye rolling here)? Just kidding. He is very smart though. Anyway, he now can spell words and read them, so Brian and I spelling things to eachother is no longer effective. Bummer I know many of you parents have relied on this as well and can probably feel my pain in this matter. Well Mommy and Daddy have gotten smart and pushed back into our youth only to pull out our Pig Latin. hats-tay ight-ray olks-fay, ig-pay atin-lay. I know lame right, well it works and we are sticking to it until that no longer works.
Heres a new pic of my always refreshing Elliot he cracks me up. He informed that this is the way you get around cold toes if you want to wear flip flops. I informed him this was a major fashion violation.


Van Dyk Family said...

He is such a character - I love it! The second picture cracks me up - at least you can tell he is wearing them with confidence! Love your Easter pictures. Your kids are adorable!

Life Across the Pond said...

He is too funny! He looks so cool sprawled out on the couch with his flip flops and socks. Good luck with the Pig Latin. Eventualy he is going to figure that one out too and you guys are going to be stuck. I have been meaning to ask how Elliot is liking his new school. I had heard that it was going well but now that he is a few months in and settled is it still going well?