Thursday, September 17, 2009

For Me Personally...


I am quitting Facebook!! Woohoo!

There are 3 main reasons this needed to happen-

1-I had 384 friends. Really who are these people. Last year in Bible Study we were challenged to really examine the new and modern networking tools we use to "keep in touch." The author asked the question how real are we being with these new outlets and are we really achieving the relationships that God wants us to have. She went on to say that maybe by using these networks (facebook, texting, even email) we are losing things in translation. Maybe even missing out on the whole story. I can say sadly and quite ashamedly that I have a handful of friends that I don't call anymore because we just talk back and forth on this networking site instead. I miss those phone conversations and fear that I am missing out on things I could really be helping them with if I were to call on the phone and give them 5 minutes of my time. Now don't get me wrong it is fun to catch up with people you never see or maybe haven't seen since high school or even grade school and it does serve a great purpose there, I am just not sure if they really need to be kept abreast on the day to day happenings of my life.

2- time I don't have a lot of free time and it has just dawned on me over the last 2 weeks how much time I really spend on Facebook. I could use that time to read to my kids, bake something, clean something, call a friend on the phone, pray any number of things and I think those things are more valuable to me. I have a blackberry and it is constantly blinking at me with something and I feel like I need to look at it and respond to, this takes time. In fact I looked over at Brian the other night as we were going to bed and we are both laying there with our blackberries in our hands checking our emails one last time and sending any quick messages that needed to be taken care of. Really I say to myself, SERIOUSLY? Now remember I am not saying that everyone should feel this way at all this is just me personally.

3-Gossip- Now this is a big one. Over the summer our pastor delivered a series of messages on gossip. He described several different forms and ways that gossip takes place and I feel like Facebook has been one of them for me. He showed me that even just listening to someone else gossip is gossip and getting caught up in that is just as bad as delivering the "news" yourself. I cannot tell you how many conversation I have been a part of and/or witnessed that start with oh I saw on Facebook. Are you kidding I finally told myself this is not healthy or helping me in any way shape or form to cut down on this -no not bad habit- SIN. Yuck sin!! It is hard enough to control!

So after really doing some soul searching over the last two weeks I have decided to quit cold turkey and turn off my account. You may now find me calling you on the phone more to see how you are doing. And I will get back to forming good healthy relationships with people I truly care about!

1 comment:

Bonnie K said...

I liked what you had to say! Definitely agree on the time consuming factor. Also agree on the friends thing. Also agree on the gossip. Lots to think about! Let's hang out soon and have a real verbal conversation. xo