Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Near Death Experience For The Wagon.

Many of you know that last three weeks have been very trying in regards to my automobile. We have broken a rear window, put a hole in the radiator, and yesterday it was within 6 inches of being totaled. I prayed last week to God informing Him that I had had enough in the car fixing department and so had my wallet. But he knows best so yesterday was round three. As I was happily making my freezer jam int he kitchen, donning one of my new Angry Blueberry aprons, I heard a very loud series of noises outside. I rushed to the window only to find a lady rolling into my front yard at a very high speed. My initial thought was "Oh Mercy Here We Go Again," but God did spare us total heartache and we were able to move the car with only minor exterior "skin" damage. No one was seriously injured and I walked away just thanking God that my children were not out playing in the yard as they so often are. I hate to think what would have happened if they were. So last night I made a third call to the insurance company filed a claim and lowered my deductibles:) These pictures were taken after we moved my car so they could kindly tow the other ones out of the yard. Mine was parked directly behind Brians. Thankfully this is as big as our problems get right now! But if you have some extra time in your prayer life would you say a prayer for my car it could sure use it:)

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