Monday, November 9, 2009

Longgggggg Weekend.

This last weekend Elliot had an extra two days off and Brian worked a lot. When I say a lot we are talking one 17 hour day and a couple of 12s along with several regular shifts. Survival was a combination of Gods Grace, some pity offered up by very good grannys and grandmas, unusually well behaved children and creativity. Yes creativity was my friend and by Saturday I was at a loss. We had played every game, built tons of lego creations, made numerous different train tracks, homemade play dough (even though I really dislike play dough it grosses me out big time.), movies, cookie baking, cookie frosting, playdates, jungle playland etc. I think you get the point. We had fun!! Thankfully my children were happy to mostly just be home and enjoyed wearing comfy pants (sweats) and we just plain hung around.
The picture is of our resident Lego princess. The kids came down from their rest times with one of Grace's dress up crowns with a Lego Mini fig taped to it. So funny and cute at the same time. It was very serious though and my giggles were not appreciated. Aren't they cute though???

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