Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This Old House Part Three

To interrupt your normal broadcasting....Elliot is losing teeth like they are going out of style. He is now missing the famous two front teeth and I have to admit it is pretty adorable...don't tell him I said that though.
Check it out we have a wall:) Grandpa spent the better part of the day preparing a hole for the window and finishing the inner framework. BJ and Jordan spent the evening putting up the sheeting and placing the window and door where they belonged:) I can't help myself, the smiley faces are extremely necessary.
The boys were not cooperating with picture taking so this is the best picture I could get of the new door. Eventually we will put new stairs in and take the old ones out. I believe Grandpa brought over the material for the new steps so maybe BJ will be able to work on it tomorrow evening. I have to admit to a mini mental break down today. I was reflecting on the fact that my husband will be gone all next week, which means nothing will be happening here as far as home improvement goes. But after this evenings progress I am feeling encouraged again. I just feel very out of control seeing as I have no idea how to use a nail gun or frame a wall, so e helping with anything is out of the question. I suppose that's o.k. though it is encouraging my patience for sure:)

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