Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Guess What?


My rhodies bloomed over the last few days. Isn't that bloom gorgeous!

If you have read my blog for any time you know I search for their blooming to signify the approaching of my anniversary. A mark of our wedding day. They were in our wedding ceremony. My grandfather grafted them together and grew them up himself with my mom. I told Brian a week ago I didn't think they would bloom in time this year...but with all of the beautiful weather last week they caught up and it happened. And they are just as beautiful as always!

Not much to share today. At school the state accreditation board will be our our classrooms...nothing terrifies me more, than having someone critique me and my little pupils. So wish me luck or even better say a little prayer:) I mean I am incredibly capable don't get me wrong but I'm not a "real" teacher;)

Have a super day homies I'll be back tomorrow with something more substantial.

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