Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sometimes things are not as planned but oh so perfect in the end.

Mom guilt is a sneaky little devil. It attempts to crawl in at the most random times and insert itself into places it does not belong and we moms lack the brilliance to disregard it from time to time.

Last night was almost one of those times. Actually it was a bit of one of those times.

Yesterday we had an amazing opportunity to spend some time with our friend Bob who lives in Nicaragua. He was flying into Seattle last night and it was the only time we would have to see him while he was here. So what do the two oldest Jagers do...we decide to make an evening out of to Seattle see a good friend and enjoy an evening. Well the evening was meant to start about 4 hours before it did...and I thought we would be home at a decent time, but thats not how it worked out. Poor Bob's plane was delayed not once but twice at two separate airports and we were already in Seattle so we decided to wait anyway. By 10:30 he was in Seattle and we went to get a somewhat second dinner and enjoy some conversation and base touching with a friend that we don't get to see - ever. I am so glad we made the effort and double glad he was excited about seeing us after about 18 hours of travel:)

What i was missing from being at home was sort of silly. My kids have summer birthdays which means they don't have birthdays that fall during the school year. So being that they have fabulous teachers they always have their parties sometime around now in their classes. I thought I would be home last night to spend my normal inordinate and unnecessary amount of time making them their typical custom cupcakes but since we didn't get home until 2am that just wasn't going to happen. My mom said just go to Safeway buy some cupcakes in the section they call the bakery:) Brian said thats so smart pop them on your own tray no one will ever know the difference. Here's the deal...Jessica Jager doesn't do the bakery at the grocery, and it has nothing to do with anyone else its just my gig. I feel called to spend the time on my kids in this way and I laid a huge slab of mom guilt on myself when I realized I wasn't going to be able to keep up with the tradition. Life goes on is what I should have said, I should have bought the darn cupcakes and moved on. Well this morning I had to pick my kids up from my moms and get them to school by 8:30 and have their treats to school by 10. Cupcakes were so not going to happen in that amount of time. God knew I needed a reality check and he sent it to me in the form of my sister who is a fresh new mom. I was talking to her on the way to get the kids and she asked what time the cupcakes needed to be at school she laughed at me with my reply and said so not going to happen. Then she went on to say,"Here's what you are going to do...go pick up doughnuts, its practically breakfast time those kids don't need all that sugar in the morning." Pause two reasons I loved this, first off she's a genius, and second those doughnuts have just as much sugar if not more than the cupcakes:)

So what did I do, I went to the bakery and bought maple bars for Elliot's class and sprinkle doughnuts for Grace's. Showed up at school read a book to Grace's class passed out doughnuts, walked across the hall to Elliot's class passed out doughnuts sang Happy Birthday and God Bless You Today....and guess what my kids were blessed(ultimate goal), they thought I was rad and I wasn't stressed at all. Win, WIn, Win, Winning:) My wise MIL told me once that Mom guilt is for the birds and you know what she is so right. With a bit of reformulating the brain and regrouping your thoughts and listening to others advice you could skip over all that stuff and move on like the rockstar you are! MOMS UNITE:)




1 comment:

Andrea said...

Amen to all of this!! So true and such a good reminder.